Maybe it is time to take a step back and ask questions such as 'Why do I need CRM?', 'is it still relevant?' and 'is there something better out there?'
These are key questions, and are probably needed to be asked, and answered before customers start tackling these large and complex projects.
It doesn't matter which flavour of CRM you have, Oracle's, SAP's, Microsoft's or Salesforce's - are you just expecting them to do too much, or is there nothing better 'out there' to use instead.
As these channels are implemented, CRM starts to move back from the frontline application it once was and at CRMantra we are seeing customers implementing new channels for all users, leaving the CRM system as the engine supporting these channels. That brings a whole new world of complexity, performance, usability and support issues.
We are currently carrying out a study at one of our clients with Siebel CRM. They want to implement a Mobile channel for Consumers and Mobile POS for in-store employees, as well as a new eCommerce channel(s - these things are never one web site!) .
So far the issues we have seen that need to be addressed are;
1) What are channels and processes that are going to be available in the new channels?
2) How is the inherent business logic with the CRM system going to be made available in that channel?
3) How are complex area's such as pricing, product configuration going to be available outside of the CRM system?
4) How are the processes, products, promotions and prices going to be made channel specific ?
5) How is the current CRM implementation going to be able to cope with the additional load ?
6) Performance it critical ! - Internal users will put up with it, external users won't?
Don't get caught by surprise with "channel creep"as the business starts to pull in all directions at once!
If this sounds familiar, we can help !
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